Delicate Wild Orchids

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Lori Bote

Thanks Dave McLean! :)

Dave McLean

Very nice!

Lori Bote

Thank-you Marthe. :)

marthe brown


Tiny and delicate wild orchids cropping out on a beautiful Spring day near Jasper National Park. Everything about these little beauties speaks to how delicate they look - from the petals to the markings and stems, yet they are one of the first Spring wildflowers you will find in the Alberta Rockies.
Taken By
Lori Bote
Taken On
May 18, 2015
wild_orchids orchids spring jasper rockies
  • Focal: 100
  • Shutter speed: 0.0166666666667 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 2.8
  • ISO: 200

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